I believe defending the role of women in all social classes is unfinished business, and this is why it still makes sense and is necessary to have an International Working Women’s Day to promote gender equality.

Because there is still so much to do, and this is why we all have to continue working on it. One example to follow is the interesting work being done by the Inspiring Girls International foundation. They are working to break down gender stereotypes in the workplace and one of their main goals is to “raise young girls’ aspirations around the world”.

It is about showing the coming generations of women that they can do whatever they want to do, “without limits imposed by being a woman” and that they will only be judged on their hard work and dedication.

We have to inspire girls to fight for their dreams and give them role models to show them what they can achieve if they put their minds to it.

The message we convey is very specific: “If you believe in yourself, you can do anything you want. Never let anyone tell you something is impossible.”