Professional Blog

Mercè Martí Queralt

Chairwoman and CEO, Kreston Iberaudit

We are Kreston, we are your best option!

We are Kreston, we are your best option!

Due to the current pandemic situation, we were not able to hold our annual congress as usual. So, we looked for an alternative, an activity that would allow us to meet again and have a great time together. And we came up with the opportunity to do something different,...

We are celebrating our Golden Anniversary!

We are celebrating our Golden Anniversary!

At Kreston Iberaudit, it’s our birthday, and not just any birthday! . We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Kreston Global, the international network we belong to and to who we are deeply committed. We are celebrating by remembering all those people and all those...

Economic recovery on the horizon

Economic recovery on the horizon

The State of Emergency that had paralysed the business fabric, economy and our lives drew to a close on 21 June. Returning to activity, which is not to say normality, has made us want to take up...

Same us, different world

Same us, different world

It is clear that when we wake up from the total nightmare we’ve been thrown into by this pandemic, which threatens both our lives and our livelihoods, we will be able to tackle the challenges we will face in a world that is not the one we left in early March. A world...

Our profession in times of Coronavirus

Our profession in times of Coronavirus

Although a few weeks ago we were aware of the seriousness of the situation resulting from the spread of the coronavirus, its rapid arrival in Spain and Portugal and the increase in cases of infection in Europe caught most of us by surprise. As companies, we have been...

International Women’s Day, for the women of tomorrow

International Women’s Day, for the women of tomorrow

I believe defending the role of women in all social classes is unfinished business, and this is why it still makes sense and is necessary to have an International Working Women’s Day to promote gender equality. Because there is still so much to do, and this is why we...

Leading the future

Leading the future

In order to encourage rejuvenation in management positions in companies and foster the generational handover, we...

Proud to be auditors

Proud to be auditors

Us auditors have our day, too. It is on 26 September and is known as Auditor Day or World Auditor Day, although I prefer to celebrate it with an extra adjective: Auditor Proud Day. This time, however, I would like to highlight that, more than celebrating an...